Coupon Codes & Discounts

From time to time, BuhoCleaner may release coupon codes or run events (especially on sales days). You can get details of the offers from our Buy page.

We also distribute our product on platforms like ProductHunt and StackSocial. You can visit them to find the latest offers of BuhoCleaner.

How to Use Coupon Code When Purchasing BuhoCleaner

If you have a coupon code for BuhoCleaner, follow the steps below to apply it when purchasing BuhoCleaner.

  1. Go to our Buy page.
  2. Select the right plan according to your coupon code and click the Buy Now button.
  3. In the popup Paddle window, select the Add Coupon option.
  4. Enter your coupon code and click Apply.
  5. Provide your email address, select your country, enter your Zip/Postcode, and then click the Continue button.
  6. Choose your preferred payment method, fill in your payment information, and click the Pay Now button.
  7. Complete the checkout process.
  8. Copy your license key and proceed to activate BuhoCleaner.

Related Article: How to Activate BuhoCleaner