Uninstalling BuhoCleaner

To uninstall BuhoCleaner, you can use the easy method by dragging the app icon from Applications folder to trash. To do so: Open Finder app > Applications > Find BuhoCleaner app icon > Drag it to Trash or right click the mouse and select Move To Trash option in context menu.


When using the regular way to uninstall BuhoCleaner or other apps on your Mac, it has chance you’ll leave a portion of app leftovers. You can use the App Uninstall feature to remove BuhoCleaner itself from your Mac.

Here are the steps:

  1. Launch BuhoCleaner.
  2. Choose App Uninstall and click the Scan button.Quickly Uninstall BuhoCleaner
    Quickly Uninstall BuhoCleaner
  3. In the app list, check the box next to BuhoCleaner and click the Remove button.Uninstall BuhoCleaner
    Uninstall BuhoCleaner
  4. Confirm your uninstallation, click the Uninstall button, and all files related to BuhoCleaner will be wiped out.Confirm Your Uninstallation
    Confirm Your Uninstallation

Hopefully you uninstall BuhoCleaner just because you want to move it to another Mac. BuhoCleaner is good value for money. Hope to see you again.

We are working hard to improve your experience with BuhoCleaner. If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 24 hours.