Mac USB Ports Not Working: Diagnosis & Best Troubleshoots

Jerome Peng
Last updated: Jan 22, 2025

This ultimate guide helps you fix Mac USB ports not working by diagnosing common causes and offering step-by-step troubleshooting guides.

Are you facing issues with your Mac USB ports not working? More specifically, the USB-C ports in newer MacBooks. These USB ports are essential for connecting devices such as flash drives, printers, keyboards, and mice to your Mac. When Mac USB ports stop functioning, it can raise issues such as Mac not recognizing USB drives, MacBook not charging, etc., which you don’t want to experience.

To help you get these USB ports back on track, we have to run a few diagnoses and implement solutions followingly. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to see why Mac USB ports are not working and how to fix it.

Mac USB Ports Not Working: Diagnosis & Best Troubleshoots

Diagnosing Mac USB Ports Not Working

Why are my USB ports not working on my Mac? The first thing to check is whether the USB port not working issue is confined to a single or all USB ports. Test different USB ports on your Mac using the same device or try connecting the device to another computer. If another port works, it’s likely that the first one is physically faulty. You can choose to leave it as is or have it repaired.

Next, whenever MacBook USB-C ports stop working, they are not always responsible for the trouble. For example, sometimes the USB device itself can fail, particularly with low-quality devices. To help isolate the issue, try using at least two different USB devices and switch their ports to identify the culprit.

MacBook USB C Ports

It’s also possible that the problem lies with the cable or the hub, if you are using one. Similarly, switch the items to test out if it’s the USB port that terminates your task on Mac. This diagnostic process applies to all Macs, whether it's a MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, Mac Mini, or Mac Pro.

If you make it certain that the Mac USB-C port is to blame after running these check-ups, read on to learn how to effectively fix the MacBook USB ports not working issue.

How to Fix MacBook Air/Pro USB Ports Not Working

Before implementing anything advanced, there are three basic yet effective troubleshooting to fix MacBook USB-C ports not working:

  • Restart your Mac: Sometimes a simple restart can work its magic and solve malfunctioning USB ports on your MacBook. Restart your Mac and check if the USB ports work again.
  • Clean the ports: Inspect the USB ports for any visible filth. If there’s a buildup of dust and debris, gently brush around the port or use a can of compressed air to remove them.
  • Check for USB port damage: Look for any signs of cracks, missing pins, discoloration, or burnt marks on the printed circuit board, as this indicates a damaged USB-C port. Under this circumstance, you won’t be able to repair the Mac USB port on your own.

If MacBook USB-C ports are still not working after these quick fixes, don’t worry, we’ve prepared more solutions for you.

Solution 1: Resetting the SMC

The SMC (System Management Controller) controls many hardware functions on your Mac, including the faulty USB ports we discuss. Resetting it can possibly resolve issues with USB ports not working on Mac. The steps to [reset the SMC](SMC (System Management Controller)) vary slightly depending on the specific model of your MacBook.

  • For MacBooks with M1/M2 chips: A simple restart will do the job, as the chips already work as system controllers.
  • For MacBooks with a T2 security chip (2018 and later models):
    1. Shut down your MacBook.
    2. Press and hold the Control + Option (Alt) + Shift keys.
      Reset SMC on Mac
    3. While holding those three keys, press and hold the power button as well.
    4. Keep holding all four keys for 10 seconds.
    5. Release all keys and the power button.
    6. Wait a few seconds, then turn on your MacBook.

If neither caters to your situation, check our complete guide on how to reset SMC on Mac. You should find methods for all Mac models there.

Solution 2: Resetting PRAM/NVRAM

PRAM (Parameter RAM) and NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory) store Mac system settings like speaker volume, display preferences, and USB components. Corrupt NVRAM data can lead to USB port issues. To fix Mac USB ports not working, you can reset NVRAM as the following:

For Intel-based MacBooks:

  1. Shut down your Mac.
  2. Press the Command + Option + P + R keys simultaneously while turning on the Mac.
  3. Hold these keys for about 20 seconds, then release them and allow your Mac to boot up.
Rest NVRAM on Mac

For Apple Silicon MacBooks: Your Mac will automatically reset NVRAM when needed.

Some users want to reset Mac USB ports to end the problem. Well, experimented by forum users, there tends to be a way to reset USB ports with the kextstat command via Terminal, although the process is much more complex than on other systems, particularly for Apple Silicon Macs.

Given its complexity and uncertainty, plus, macOS does not provide a built-in single command specifically designed to reset individual USB ports, we do not recommend using this method to solve Mac USB ports not working.

Bonus: Clean Up Your Mac for Optimized Performance

Although USB ports are hardware issues, this issue can be a sign of software infection, as well as a reminder to keep your Mac optimized. You can use a specialized cleaning tool like BuhoCleaner to scan and check if there are any suspicious software or files on your Mac.

BuhoCleaner enables you to quickly clean your Mac by removing junk files with a single click. It also helps you fully uninstall apps without leaving any residual files, identify and delete large or duplicate files, analyze disk space usage, monitor system performance, and much more.

Click the button below to try it out yourself.

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Reading so far, next time you experience Mac USB ports not working, test out if it’s a one-port issue or all ports. Then you can try some basic troubleshooting such as restarting your Mac before diving further into resetting SMC and NVRAM. By following these tips, you can keep your Mac’s USB ports functioning properly for all your peripherals.

Jerome is a passionate enthusiast of all things Apple. He is expertise in crafting tech-related articles, with a portfolio of more than 100 articles covering various Apple products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.