5 Ways to Stop Apps from Opening on Startup on Mac [2024]

Clare Phang
Last updated: Jan 5, 2024
Summary: This guide will walk you through five ways to stop apps from opening on startup on your Mac.

Have you ever encountered these issues while using your Mac?

  • Mac boots up slowly.
  • Mac has lagging problems.
  • There are too many app windows opened after starting your Mac.

You're not alone. Read on to find out how to stop unwanted apps and programs from opening on startup on your Mac.

5 Ways to Stop Apps from Opening on Startup on Mac

Why Do Apps Open on My Mac When I Turn It On?

Apps open automatically on Mac startup because they have been added to the Login Items list in your System Settings.

Login Items include apps and programs that launch automatically when you log into your Mac.

How to Stop Unwanted Apps from Opening on Startup on Mac

Having too many login items can slow down your Mac's startup. It's recommended to prevent unwanted ones from launching at startup.

How to Stop Apps from Opening on Startup on Mac via the Dock

The easiest way to stop an app from opening on Mac startup is to use the Dock. Here are the steps.

  1. Launch the app you want to disable.

  2. Right-click on its icon in the dock.

  3. Untick the Open at Login option. (Do the reverse if you want the app to start automatically.)

    How to Disable Mac Apps from the Dock

How to Disable Login Items on Mac in System Settings/System Preferences

You can also prevent applications from launching at startup in System Settings (macOS Ventura and later) or System Preferences (macOS Monterey and earlier)

On macOS Ventura:

  1. Click the Apple menu and select System Settings.
  2. Click General in the sidebar, then click Login Items on the right.
  3. You will see the options Open at Login and Allow in the Background in the Login Items pane.
  4. To disable a login item, select it and click the Minu (-) button.
  5. To disallow an app to run in the background, click the button next to the item.
Disable Login Items on macOS Ventura

On macOS Monterey and Eariler:

  1. Choose the Apple menu > System Preferences.
  2. Click Users & Groups, then switch to Login Items.
  3. Highlight the login items you want to disable, unlock the padlock in the lower-left corner, and click the Minus button under the list.
Disable Login Items on macOS Monterey and Earlier

How to Stop Apps from Opening on Mac Startup via BuhoCleaner (Easiest Way)

Looking for a more efficient way to control your startup programs? Try BuhoCleaner. It's a free and user-friendly Mac startup manager. With this tool, you can quickly disable and enable unwanted apps and startup services.

DownloadFor macOS 10.10 and above
100,000+ Satisfied Users Worldwide

Here's all you need to do.

  1. Make sure you have BuhoCleaner installed on your Mac.
  2. Launch it and click on the Startup Items tab.
  3. Click the Scan button, and you will see two lists: User Login Items and Startup Services.
    How to Quickly Change Startup Programs on Mac
  4. To disable an app, click the button next to it and change its status to Disabled.
    How to Disable Login Items on Mac with BuhoCleaner
  5. To disable a launch daemon or launch agent service, switch to Startup Service and change its status to Disabled. If you want to remove the service, right-click on it and select Remove from the drop-down menu. It's that easy!
    Quickly Disable Launch Agents and Daemons on Mac

How to Remove Launch Daemons and Launch Agents via Finder

Even after disabling unnecessary startup apps, you might encounter annoying services that run automatically when you start up your Mac. These services, known as Launch Daemons and Launch Agents, can be found in your Library folder.

Here’s how to remove them from the startup list using Finder:

  1. Click the Finder icon in the dock.

  2. Press Shift + Command + G to open the Go to Folder window.

  3. Paste the following paths into the boxes, one at a time, press Return, and delete unneeded launch daemons and launch agents.

    • /Library/LaunchDaemons
    • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • ~/Library/LaunchDaemons
    • /System/Library/LaunchAgents
    • /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
    How to Remove Launch Daemons and Launch Agents on Mac
The last two folders, /System/Library/LaunchAgents and /System/Library/LaunchDaemons, are essential to your macOS, and you don't know what will happen to your system if you delete them by mistake. So if you're not sure what they are, leave them alone.

How to Stop Apps from Launching on Mac Startup via App Preferences

Another way to prevent apps from opening on Mac startup is to use app preferences. Just launch the app you want to disable on startup, open its Preferences window, find the option to manage its startup, and change its status to Disabled.


Now that you've explored various methods to prevent unwanted apps from opening on startup on your Mac, choose the method that suits you best and give it a try. For a hassle-free solution, the free startup program manager, BuhoCleaner, is your best bet.

Clare Phang has been captivated by the world of Apple products since the launch of the iconic iPhone in 2007. With a wealth of experience, Clare is your go-to source for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all things Apple.